
Carpanelli Electric Motors Livestock Sector

Carpanelli Electric Motors Livestock Sector

Carpanelli Electric Motors Livestock Sector

Carpanelli Motori Elettrici also designs and manufactures motors for the livestock sector.

Zootechnical plants follow precise safety standards, with particular attention to the treatment of raw materials and respect for animals.

Livestock Sector Carpanelli Electric Motors

Carpanelli Motori Elettrici manufactures motors for farms, electric motors for greenhouses, plants for drying and storing agricultural products.

All Carpanelli motors guarantee high efficiency, low heating and minimum noise. They are electric motors that totally respect the animals and their environment, compliant with current regulations.

Carpanelli Zootechnical Plants

In livestock breeding, controlled climate control is essential for animal health: it guarantees maximum performance and eliminates stress.

Carpanelli has studied electric motors for livestock systems capable of withstanding high temperatures and minimizing electromagnetic disturbances that would create problems for animals, operators and electrical equipment.

Carpanelli has also developed two important projects:

  • A Motoinverter for destratifiers or stable fans, to move the air and thus keep the space for the animals aerated.
  • A Motoinverter for well-being brushes suitable for example for cows and goats, to ensure maximum comfort for the animal.

Each electric motor has been designed and built to guarantee the health and total well-being of each animal.

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